Friday, April 24, 2009

Johnny Depp reads Jack Kerouac


  1. The video is pretty trippy.
    i think it relates to the text.
    Kerouac says that he has given america all, and now is nothing. but everything is perfect. its not even happening. i think kerouac is talking about how he is about to leave the world. he says that his grave is perfectly empty. he is leaving everything behind, there is nothing left in him (?)
    this is just a guess, i dont even hear some of the words that depp says - (meah or what is that?)

  2. it is either about death or about drugs. kerouac talks about how he is empty, because he cant think straight anymore, but everything is perfect. his grave is empty, because he has lost his worth; he has lost his self-esteem because he is aware that the drugs have destroyed him, but he cant fight it anymore.
    in the video, there is a sign on which is written 'drugs' shown for a couple of seconds, and depp smokes a cigarette/joint ? during the video.
    tell me waht you think!

  3. I think that this video was an example of a completely different way to interpret Karouac and his literature. If Kerouac were to be the one reading this poem in the video, it would have been far different. Not only does Karouac not exaggerate at all while reading, but his voice is very monotone and simple, as are his works of literature to himself. By the way Johnny Depp read his poem, it made have much more of a different meaning just because of the way the video showed the poem visually.

  4. The video itself, as strange as it might be to watch, sets a very good backdrop for the poem itself. The video compliments the attitude of the poem perfectly. This is one form of interpretation of Kerouac's poetry. A very different one, but it seems like a more real interpretation. I feel like when you think of his poetry you imagine things moving very slowly and gloomily, but this more fast paced look on his poetry gives it more life and a different viewpoint on how he might have liked his poetry to be seen. The way Johnny Depp reads the poem is contradictory to the video. The video is very fast but Depp talks in a monotone voice that shows no real emotion, even with everything around him constantly evolving and changing.

  5. To be honest, it took about 3-4 replays to get my mind to really concentrate not on the crazy video (even though it is a nice backdrop to whats being siad) but on the words.

    The first sentence "America, I've given you all and now I'm nothing" is actually a line from an Alan Ginsberg poem, though that may not really matter.

    The rest, where he talk about "Man", is really awesome. In this poem, he talking about American SOCIETY (!) and has a lot of parallels to "Death Of A Salesman". Society produces a fake image of profection in America. "Everything is ignorant in it's own emptiness" As American's, we are all chasing after the American Dream, but as a result we become the same, think the same, act the same, and stumble around chasing this dream until we die.

    Man, got up and dressed up. Then died and got buried in a coffin in a grave"

    This reminds me of Willy Loman's story.

  6. This video did take me a couple of times to watch so i could actually concentrate on what Depp was saying. It was hard to focus on him with so many distractions. I think that everything is moving so fast to show how life can move fast.
    ".. because Perfect, perfect in emptiness is not really happening."I'm not exactly sure what he meant by this or even if this is the exact quote but i do not really understand it. let me know if you come up with anything.

  7. I am very frustrated right now, because I watched this clip over and over again and I did not quite understand what the dude was talking about. But, I can see that it tries to emphasize on emptiness of life that society created itself. As Colin said, I also see the parallel between Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman and the video. The clip is fast paced with full of distractions that prevent people who speak English as second language from comprehending what it’s about.

  8. As my classmates have stated it took me a couple times to fully understand the video and imagery itself, as well as the words that were spoken throughout the video. It is a very fast paced poem that feels as though it was rushed through and meant to have the hastiness that occurs in everyday life. As Mr. Nevins said it does remind one of Willy Loman's struggle to live the "American Dream", how they both; the poem of Mr. Kerouac and Mr. Loman, have given their lives and devotion to try and live the dream yet they do not get anything back.

    "Man, everything is perfect. It's not even happening. Man, got up and dressed up, then died and buried in a coffin in a grave."
    -This seems so dark and ominous. Yet, the first sentence is "Man, everything is perfect." It gives off the impression that it is an elapsed period of time from when everything is going alright, but then something changes and makes the speaker become darker in tone.

    Towards the end, when Johnny Depp stops reading, the imagery goes to places that America is well known for. For example, the video goes to a church, religion; Pharmacies, drugs; and the American flag. This again shows, the close relationship this poem has with Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman.

  9. If someone asked me to guess which actor's interpretation of Kerouac is this, I would definitely come up with Johnny Depp. It reflects the image that I have had on Johnny Depp- "a dark side of society""fast tempo anxiety". On the other hand, his voice is slow and steady, which makes a viewer to interpret a society in a distance, not as a part of society.

  10. Contrary to what Bergsma thinks, when Depp says, "Man, everything is perfect, it's not even happening," he is referring to American life. Kerouac is trying to say that life in America seems so perfect, with jobs, a house in the suburbs, food at a grocery store, and a nice church-going family. But in reality, America and all that appears perfect is disconnected from reality. Everyone lives in a dream world, and few live with the truth, having been awakened from the dream. America is disillusioned.

  11. MAN! that was something.
    I like the repetition that was used.

    Before i continue I just have to say that Johnny Depp makes everything 1) AMAZING and 2) Verry interesting.

    Had this been a simple something that was written and then it may be harder to see what was the whole thing... about, or at least but you in the mindset to thing about it.

    Everything is perfect yet a man gets dressed up and then dies. Dressed up being the conformity and dieing being his soul of natural essence that ¿we are fighting for?

  12. That was awesome!

    What do we owe America? Or, what does America owe us? If we work hard should we expect to be rewarded? sure...but it doesn't always happen. It's the same thing over and over again, morning after morning and people's routines hardly ever change. Where has the life gone if you limit yourself to one dimension. If you live in this phone dream of making it big.,.you're only killing yourself faster

  13. I could really only understand what was being said in the first few lines, even after watching the clip 5 or 6 times, but heres what I got from it:

    I think that the first line "Man, everything is perfect. It's not even happening,"is refering to the fact that people may think that either they are living the perfect life, or the people around them are living the perfect life, when in fact no one is really living their life. This idea flows right into the second line, "Man, got up and dressed up, then died and buried in a coffin in a grave." People are too distracted by living the American dream, that they die before they really get the chance to live.

    As it was mentioned in a few previous comments, these two lines nicely parellel Willy Loman's life in death of a salesman. He is too distracted by a dream, that he dies before he gets to really live his own life.

  14. First off, the movie is odd, but it does a good job of setting a tone. The line about man dressing up and then getting buried a coffin was very powerful and is an allusion to how we live our lives.

  15. The first time I watched the video, I found it very difficult to concentrate on the lines of the poem, as I was so intrigued by the video. However, what I did get from it, when he says "everything is perfect, it's not even happening," I think he is referring to the fact people are caught up in a dream world and are unable to face the facts of reality. Like others have said before, it is very much related to Willy in Death of a Salesman.

  16. It is ironic that Johnny Depp is reading this story about how the American dream is fake, is empty, while he, as a movie star, is what many lust after as the image of living the American Dream.

    The words appeal to one's individual. "Man", it is distant in literally meaning humans as a species, but it is friendly and more a pressing way of addressing the listener. "Man" is stressed as if to say WAKE UP. Man c'mon, man don't you see? Just push yourself, see the picture that's right in front of your nose, see that it's fake, c'mon dude, c'mon man.

  17. This was really cool.

    The first thing I noticed was the contrast between the images of the speaker and the images of 'society'. The speaker has this slow, honest tone, dark. it's in black and white. the shots, especially those of the cigarette kind of detail the speaker as a person, not just as kerouac or depp. the shots of American society are interesting because all of the signs and pictures are right in front of your eyes. It's supposed to be this whole masquerade but it's all in front of your face, everywhere. maybe that's why it's so hard to see the outside; because it's everywhere, for some it might be all they ever see.

    the speakers description in the beginning of his relationship to society is interesting because he recognizes and accepts what he has seen as fake. It's dark but gives the viewer a feeling of the continuity of life.

    It's so cool, to see and hear and watch things in class about people who are in touch with something other than themselves or a false belief or can see whats surrounding them.
