Friday, April 24, 2009

Kerouac on the Steve Allen Show


  1. Kerouac describes all the impressions that he has in his adventures in nature. I can see how it only takes him 3 weeks to write the whole book, he just writes what comes to his mind. He goes on and on and you can easily just follow his thoughts, because thats all he writes down. Kerouac says that he wrote the book because we all gonna die. CAn any of you explain me why he says that?

  2. Karouac says, "all the stories are true, because I believed in what I saw," in response to being questioned about why and how he writes books. Karouac seems to be a firm believer and writer of truth and honesty. When writing, he simply writes what he sees and gets out of things, rather than twisting them to make them appear better on paper.

  3. Jack Kerouac was described as "the embodiment of this new generation." The astounding thing Kerouac is his skill, he was able to write On the Road in 3 weeks, which is astounding and almost unheard of in today's society. Authors who try and write books in 3 weeks are usually unsuccessful and their books are not very good, but Kerouac was able to write an amazing book that stays with the country even today in 3 weeks. He says that "all the stories are true because I believed in what I saw," which might explain how it was so easy for him to write at such a speed.

  4. Like I was saying before, Kerouac writes in the same way his mind flows. It is not polished up to meet the standards of how one should write or communicate a point. By compiling real life situations and experiences we not only get a REAL and gritty view of the man himself and his life, but of a much larger picture of the world we live in, with all of it's highs and lows.

  5. I agree with Colin. I think its really cool how he writes the same way his mind flows. I also thought it was cool how he uses long paper to write on because he writes so fast. Something else i enjoyed was how when Kerouak was reading an part from his book he read is in a poetic way along with the Piano in the background. Kerouak seems like a extremely smart and talented man.

  6. He is very talented writer. The fact that Kerouac wrote the book in just three weeks really surprised me. His story is not polished as Colin said earlier because he wanted to present real situations in a long train of thought using long teletype paper. His writing style seems casual and honest as he said, "all the stories are true, because I believed in what I saw,"

  7. I think the points that Colin and Linds brought up about how Kerouak writes exactly what he is thinking and isn't worried about standards allowed him to become "the embodiment of this new generation." He does a great job of showing the world through his thoughts because he doesn't leave any thought out. At one point he says, "all the stories are true because I believed in what I saw," which is another reason why his writing gives such an insightful view of the world, it is mostly the truth.

  8. Kerouac wrote the book because, "someday we all gonna die." Obviously he's a cheerful guy. Now I haven't read the book, but from what I heard, it's about his experiences on the road (Duh!), but more importantly about his realization that we are all insignificant, that our life is meaningless to "God" or whatever deity. He reads one passage, describing when he sees God pointing his finger at him, telling him that he is insignificant. I think what Kerouac is describing is the moment when he sees the truth. He sees his life as it is, and he accepts it. It's the moment when he wakes up from the dream that is life. Everyone eventually wakes up when they die, but Kerouac had the experience of awakening before death, and that is one reason he wrote the book. He felt the need to share it. What is art, after all, but an attempt to grasp and define Emerson's collective MAN.

  9. It is astonishing that Kerouac can sum up his 7years experience in to one book in 3weeks. I think that his unpolished work makes him to be unique from the other writers.Especially, "On the Road" the title it self represents the unpolished nature. Therefore, his flow skill was perfectly matched with the book. The Dharma Bums is also one of the great examples that requires his natural skill. He looks very casual and unique in this video.

  10. Some day we are all going to why not live? let your thoughts flow and remember them. Write them down, enjoy yourself and don't get caught up in the cold mechanical insanity of the "civilized" world. Things come and go and no one knows what's going to happen to who. Truth is...who cares? just live!

  11. THiS dude is such a pesimist! Everything is just blah, we are all going to die, we have to all move on. which, is very easily found to be annoying. Annoying because i believe that he wants people to notice it. And with it being noticed, i think that there is the Modern feeling. his feeling toward the Modernism.

    because Nobody know whats going to happen to knowbody! :p

  12. I found it astonishing and felt pretty awestruck when Jack said it took him only 3 weeks to write a book, yet he was on the road for 3 years! I also thought it was awesome that he used the "non-conventional" way of writing, he used a completely differnt type of paper so that he could let his "thoughts flow", and keep writing whatever came to mind.

    I do not know if it is a coincidence or if it is related, but near the end of the interview, Mr. Kerouac is reading from his book about a man in a trench or overcoat. This is also repeated in Bob Dylan's song, as well as being on the large note cards.

  13. Jack seems to be the type of person who lives in the now. He wrote about whatever he wanted and left nothing out, no matter how it sounded. I was astonished that he wrote the book in only 3 weeks, when he was on the road for years.

  14. Like others have said, I find it amazing that he was able to write "On the Road" in only three weeks. I also found it really interesting that he writes on one long piece of paper to allow his train of thought to just flow on to the paper. Kerouac says he does this because he "wants to change his narrative thought." I also like how when he is reading he explains why he wrote the book, saying "all the stories I wrote were true cause I believed in what I saw." This really shows that his writing is from his own experiences.

  15. Kerouac seems very nervous when he is asked about how his writing, but as soon as he begins reading he becomes confident and animated.

    Kerouac also doesn't really answer why he wrote his books, he just says that his stories were true. In a way I think he wants to say that he wrote his story because it describes a real experience. He goes on to talk about his experiences and he describes them vividly. I think his writing is unpolished as Miso said because it is true, it is real. It is what he experienced and there is almost no packaging.

  16. It was very weird to watch this. He's supposed to be the embodiment of this whole live in the now poetry, and he's on a TALK SHOW. Did anyone else notice this? They're talking about what he did and how great it was. And he's trying to read this work, right? but the guy's playing like, really one-dimensional elevator piano music. It's totally conflicting.

    As far as what he said, it seemed very close to him, which is, I suppose, something very important to any writer; to know your subject, to become your subject. Or maybe to let your subject become you, whichever. Both. it seems like very clear writing.

    I thought it was interesting when this Steve Allan was kidding around about paper lengths and jack was giving him serious answers. About how he writes on this really long paper, because he doesn't want to break up his thoughts? I wasn't really sure what he was getting at because the host was kind of completely and totally obnoxious.

    But I liked Jack.
